Lift your boat anywhere - anytime.  Patent US 9975748B2

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lift boat off trailer

GoHoist Patent US 9975748B2

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Product and pricing subject to change without notice.

How to determine which GoHoist setup is needed to lift your boat off the trailer.  Read more here.

​To Operate, just crank the winches to raise the lifting blocks attached to straps running under the hull of the boat. Tensioning chains keep the hoist legs firmly in place.

PLUS Flip Your Boat To Work On Hull. Read More​
Lift pontoon boats.  Read More

GoHoist assembles by sections sliding into each other which are held together by self-locking pins.  GoHoist requires no tools to assemble. Printed instructions.

GoHoist can lift more than just boats. You can adjust the size of GoHoist.  GoHoist can be assembled with 6' legs and a 4' cross beam for an outboard engine lift.

Each GoHoist hoist knocks down to twelve 3' long sections and four 4' long sections plus two straps and chains.  Each section weighs around 10lbs for easy assembly of GoHoist.

​Dimension Drawings PDFs:  Heights - Widths
Drawings that show if your boat will fit GoHoist. Call or email if you need a custom size.

Find the latest news, customer stories and everthing GoHoist on the GoHoist Facebook Page

GoHoist is coming to the EU and the UK.
 Click here for the latest!


Want to know if GoHoist can lift your boat?  Email us ( a photo of your boat on the trailer and we will let you know.  We also sell single hoist units.

Contact us for more information:
Call or text: (937) 404-1818

7am-4pm EST, Monday-Friday

GoHoist is a framework of heavy duty steel and aluminum that supports a block and pulley system operated by four auto-brake hand winches, one on each corner of hoist. Available to lift 10,000lb boats